Portland Middle School Choral Clinic

Portland Middle School Choral ClinicFriday April 14, 2017 Tentatively 9:30AM-1:30PM Clinician: Dr. Ethan Sperry, Portland State University Portland State University Recital Hall Registration fees: $50 Each group who wants: perform in 15 min slots with left over time for a clinic with Dr. Sperry Cumulate with Mass Choir Ethan chooses 2 songs We all rehearse…

Chehalem Valley Band Festival

The annual middle school band festival is May 9th at George Fox University. This festival is in its 22nd year and is open to all middle school bands in the area. The cost is $200 and includes a performance CD; a clinicians CD; a 30 minute warm-up; 30 minute performance and a 30 minute clinic.…