District 7 Jazz Festival

District 7 Jazz Festival @ Sprague Community TheaterAdjudicator: Mike ReetzDave Westondavew@bandon.k12.or.us

All-State Conference

Kathy Briggs, conference chairkathy.briggs@smapdx.org

Oregon Jazz Festival

The 2018 Oregon Jazz Festival - formerly the Lane Jazz Festival (Lane Community College) and the Oregon Jazz Celebration (University of Oregon) - brings together students, jazz educators, performing artists, and jazz enthusiasts to learn from one another and to enrich each others' experience and enjoyment of jazz. By sharing resources and facilities, the University…

HS Honor Choir

Rehearsal 1/29, Performance 1/30 7pm.Diana Rowey - drowey@pps.netJohn Eisemann - jeismann@pps.netgriler@pps.net

District 1 HS Jazz Festival

Adjudicated Jazz EventQualifier for OMEA State Jazz ChampionshipsGary Riler 503-916-5120griler@pps.net

D14 Honor Band/Orchestra

Lisa Hasuike/Myriam Gendon-Dupontlhasuike@ttsd.k12.or.us