Calendar of Events
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2 events,
D7 Jr/Sr Choir Invitational
D7 Jr/Sr Choir Invitational
Non-Competitive Choir Festival for gr. 5-12Cost: $150 per group, second group $100 Janet Lea, North Bend High School Choir Director & Festival
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4 events,
District 15 Solo and Ensemble
District 15 Solo and Ensemble
Solo/Ensemble for MS and HSJeremy
District 13 Solo and Ensemble Festival
District 13 Solo and Ensemble Festival
High School and Middle School Solo and Ensemble FestivalFor High School - Joshua Weir - weirj@gladstone.k12.or.usFor Middle School - Christina Lowrimore -
District 05 Instrumental Solo and Ensemble
District 05 Instrumental Solo and Ensemble
Solo and Ensemble for all wind, percussion, piano, and string instruments. Kelly
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3 events,
District 05 Middle School Band Festival
District 05 Middle School Band Festival
Band Festival for middle school bands only- 30 minute warm up in separate room, 30 minutes on stage, 30 minute clinicKelly
OWC League Jazz
OWC League Jazz
Oregon West Conference League Jazz FestivalStephen
1 event,
District 05 High School Band Festival
District 05 High School Band Festival
High School Band Festival. 30 minutes in warm up room, 30 minutes on stage, 30 minute clinic. State qualifying event. 5A-4 Intermountain Conference League. Kelly
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3 events,
District 05 High School Choir Festival
District 05 High School Choir Festival
High School Choir Festival. 30 minutes in warm up room, 30 minutes on stage, 30 minute clinic. State qualifying event. 5A-4 Intermountain Conference League. Luke
District 11 HS Large Group Instrumental Festival
District 11 HS Large Group Instrumental Festival
Stuart Welsh, Event
1 event,
District 05 Middle School Choir Festival
District 05 Middle School Choir Festival
Middle School Choir Festival. 30 minutes in warm up room, 30 minutes on stage, 30 minute clinic.Luke