10 events found.
D8 Strings and Piano Solo/Ensemble
Krista Debolt and Laura BoldonLBOLDON@grantspass.k12.or.us
D11 HS Band Festival
The District 11 High School Band Festival at Crescent Valley High SchoolRobby Carr at Robert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.usrobert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.us
SOMEA District Middle School Choral Festival
North Medford High School 1900 N Keene Way Drive, Medford, Oregon, United StatesKiltie Klassic Presented by NYMA
Kelso High School 1904 Allen Street, Kelso, WashingtonWinter Guard contest.
D8 High School Orchestra Festival
North Medford High School 1900 N Keene Way Drive, Medford, Oregon, United StatesLynn Gervais lynn.gervais@medford.k12.or.us
D11 HS Choir Festival
West Albany High School 2100 SW Elm Street, Albany, OregonThe District 11 High School Choir FestivalRobby Carr at Robert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.usrobert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.us
D8 Middle School Band Festival
Roseburg High School 400 W Harvard Avenue, Roseburg, Oregon, United StatesBranden Hansenbhansen@roseburg.k12.or.us
PIL Band Contest @ McDaniel HS
McDaniel High School 2735 NE 82nd Ave, PortlandD8 High School Band Festival
Branden Hansenbhansen@roseburg.k12.or.us