NAfME Tri-M Council

On behalf of the NAfME Tri-M Council, we would like to invite you to a state representative meeting to find out about how Tri-M works in your state and how the national council can better support you!  The Tri-M Council is made up of Co-Chairs Hannah Cole (CT) and Nikki Wilson (TN), division representatives from…

NAfME Webinar: Beyond Diversity: Designing Culturally Responsive Music Instruction

We can all agree that music is for everyone. The question is: what are we doing as music educators to make equitable access to high-quality, rigorous music programs—where learners not only develop musicianship skills, but skills that prepare them for our diverse and ever-evolving world—the norm and not the exception?

Green Garter Band Concert

North Medford High School 1900 N Keene Way Drive, Medford, Oregon, United States

United States Coast Guard Band Concert

North Medford High School 1900 N Keene Way Drive, Medford, Oregon, United States

Tickets for United States Coast Guard Band Concert in Medford from TicketLeap

WOU On-Campus Auditions for admission and scholarships

Western Oregon University 345 Monmouth Ave N, Monmouth, Oregon

On-campus auditions for admission and scholarships:  Sunday, February 16, beginning at noon:Priority scholarship consideration for 2025 - 2026 will be given to those that have completed their audition by Sunday, February 16th, 2025. You can audition live on February 16th (recommended) or via video submission sent via email, share YouTube links of your audition recordings, or share a google…