Dist 1 Solo & Ens

Solo & Ensembe for Jr and Sr Division Instrumental and VocalGary Rilergriler@pps.net

District 7 Solo and Ensemble

Solo and Ensemble Festival both instrumental and choral for coastal schoolsBand Chair:Amber Yester Choral Chair: Ken Graber kgraber@nbend.k12.or.usayester@nbend.k12.or.us

Dist. 1 MS Band Festival

MS Band FestivalCynthia Plank - cplank@pps.netKristin Cywinski - kcywinski@pps.netgriler@pps.net

D4 Solo & Ensemble

Solo & Ensemble Festival & Competition. MS and HS invited.Deborah Barberomeadistrict4@gmail.com barber_deborah@salkeiz.k12.or.usomeadistrict4@gmail.com

NW Orchestra & Chamber Ensemble Festival

Mt. Hood Community College will host its 46th Northwest Orchestra Festival this year! The festival has served as a destination for middle and high school orchestra from around the country to receive high-quality and education-focused adjudication since 1973.Tim Gilson - Orchestra DirectorTimothy.Gilson@mhcc.edu