10 events found.
D8 winds and percussion solo/ensemble
Ashland Middle School 100 Walker Ave, Ashland, Oregon, United StatesJenifer Carstensen and Steve Kessler Steve.Kessler@medford.k12.or.us
D14 HS Instrumental Solo & Ensemble Festival
Solo & Ensemble Festival for D14 High School Band & Orchestra.Kevin Egan and Chad Davies
Kamiak Winter Invitational
Kamiak High School 10801 Harbour Pointe Blvd, Mulkiteo, WAWinter Guard, Winter Percussion, Winter Winds contest.
D1 Middle School Band Festival
Jackson Middle School 10625 SW 35th AveDistrict 1/PPS Middle School Band festival.
Warner Pacific Invitational HS Concert Band Festival
This is a state qualifying event for HS Bands. Highly qualified adjudicators with option of sight reading or clinic. Second bands are welcome also!Gene Burtongburton@warnerpacific.edu
Southern Oregon Invitational
Grants Pass High School 830 NE 9th Street, Grants Pass, OregonWinter Guard contest.
NWAPA Winter Invitational
Glencoe High School 2700 NW Glencoe Rd, Hillsboro, OregonWinter Percussion and Winter Winds contest.
D14 HS Vocal Solo & Ensemble
D14 High School Vocal Solo & Ensemble Festival.Kathy Shuckerow
D8 Strings and Piano Solo/Ensemble
Krista Debolt and Laura BoldonLBOLDON@grantspass.k12.or.us