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D11 MS Instrumental Music Festival
Robby Carr at Robert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.usrobert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.us
District 11 MS Large Group Instrumental Festival
Andy Nelson, Event Chairandy.nelson@albany.k12.or.us
D1/PPS Middle School Choir Festival
Laura Arthurlarthur@pps.net
District 11 MS Choir Festival
Valerie Gollmann, Event Chairvalerie.gollmann@corvallis.k12.or.us
Mt. Hood Jazz Festival
Portland Choir and Orchestra
The concert is at 7:00 this coming Saturday evening, May 6 at the First United Congregational Church in downtown Portland. There is an admission fee anywhere from $25 - $40. However, if music teachers can get their high school students to commit and pay their teachers, the cost drops down to $10 / person in…