District 05 Orchestra Jamboree

Orchestra showcase with time on stage for warm up, performance, and potential feedback. Stephanie Seedstephanie.seed@bend.k12.or.us

District 05 Central Oregon Sings

Choral showcase. Visiting high schools have time to perform one piece on stage, watch as audience members, and at the end of the night all choir students perform one piece…

District 05 District Honor Orchestra

Nominated high school orchestra students combine for two days of rehearsals and an evening concert. Brenda Simmonsbrenda.simmons@bend.k12.or.us

District 05 District Honor Band

Nominated middle school band students rehearse for two days and perform an evening concert with guest conductor. Same for high school, same dates, just different location Steve Anderson, Keith Chaietkeith.chaiet@bendschools.k12.or.us

District 05 Middle School Band Festival

Band Festival for middle school bands only- 30 minute warm up in separate room, 30 minutes on stage, 30 minute clinicKelly Moorekelly.moore@redmondschools.org

District 05 High School Band Festival

High School Band Festival. 30 minutes in warm up room, 30 minutes on stage, 30 minute clinic. State qualifying event. 5A-4 Intermountain Conference League. Kelly Moorekelly.moore@redmondschools.org