10 events found.
District 5
Dist 5. Middle School Jamboree
Area MS bands perform their daily warm up and one song on stage and receive a clinic. All bands are highly encouraged to view all bands, and their clinics5412181188ben.lawson@redmondschools.org
Central Oregon Sings
Local HS Choirs come together for an evening of Choral Fun. Each group sings 2 pieces. a local adult choir sings, and then all in attendance sing a mass piece.…
Dist 5. HS and MS District Honor Band
Dist 5 Vocal/Orchestra/Band Solo and Ensemble
Dist 5 Honor Orchestra
MS and HS Honor Orchestraben.lawson@redmondschools.org
Dist 5 HS Choral Festival
Dist 5 MS Choral Festival
Dist 5 Kids Choral Festival
Dist 5 MS Band Festival
Dist 5 HS Band Festival
Qualifying Band Festival for District 5ben.lawson@redmondschools.org