7 events found.
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Warner Pacific Invitational HS Concert Band Festival
This is a state qualifying event for HS Bands. Highly qualified adjudicators with option of sight reading or clinic. Second bands are welcome also!Gene Burtongburton@warnerpacific.edu
Emerald City Band Festival
Julie Boundssheldonhsband@gmail.com
Great Western Music Championships for High School Bands & Orchestras(state qualifying event)
The 41st annual Western Oregon University Great Western Music Championships is open to high school bands and orchestras regardless of classification. The Festival takes place on Thursday and Friday, April…
Basin Band Festival (4a qualifier)
Rob Izzett and Saray Kaytonkaytons@kcsd.k12.or.us
Shasta Middle School Band Festival
Mike Reetzmike.reetz@bethel.k12.or.us
Pleasant Hill Jazz Festival
Zac Tendickztendick@pleasanthill.k12.or.us