In 2021 the Oregon legislature passed Senate Bill 580, making class size and case load a mandatory subject of collective bargaining in Title 1 schools. HB 3652 will expand the statute to include all K-12 schools.
Despite consistently being named as one of the top issues for parents, students and community members, class size and case load are not mandatory subjects of collective bargaining in all Oregon schools. This means there is no guarantee that class size and case load will ever be meaningfully discussed at the bargaining table during a contract negotiation.
As a result, discussion on class size and case load can often be delayed or deprioritized during the bargaining process, drawing out the negotiation timeline and delaying resolution on a settled contract.
Lawmakers are holding a hearing on HB 3652 TODAY, so it’s critical that they hear from educators about why they should support our priority bill.
Use OEA’s letter writing tool to join fellow educators from across the state in urging your lawmakers to support HB 3652 and make class size and case load a mandatory subject of bargaining for every K-12 school in Oregon.