District 13 Middle School Choir Festival

District 13 is hosting a Middle School Choir Festival open to all middle school groups around of the state of Oregon. Registration will open in January of 2022. Cost - TBD Registration will close April 15, 2022Joshua Weirweirj@gladstone.k12.or.us

Tournament of Bands

NWAPA sanctioned high school marching band contestwww.nwapa.netswollam@linfield.edu

Music in Motion

NWAPA sanctioned high school marching band contest.www.nwapa.netbathursttp@mukilteo.wednet.edu

Pacific Coast Invitational

NWAPA sanctioned high school marching band contest.www.nwapa.netvowles_jennifer@salkeiz.k12.or.us

Pride of the Northwest

NWAPA sanctioned high school marching band contest.www.nwapa.netlnorfleet@grantspass.k12.or.us

Sherwood Fall Showcase

NWAPA sanctioned high school marching band contest.www.nwapa.netbstai@sherwood.k12.or.us