District 05 High School Band Festival

High School Band Festival. 30 minutes in warm up room, 30 minutes on stage, 30 minute clinic. State qualifying event. 5A-4 Intermountain Conference League. Kelly Moorekelly.moore@redmondschools.org

District 05 High School Choir Festival

High School Choir Festival. 30 minutes in warm up room, 30 minutes on stage, 30 minute clinic. State qualifying event. 5A-4 Intermountain Conference League. Luke MacSweenluke.macsween@bend.k12.or.us

PIL Band

PIL/PPS Band Contest Laura Arthur, PPS Music TOSAlarthur@pps.net

Willamette Valley Middle School Choir Festival

This festival is open to middle school choirs from anywhere in Oregon, any voicing. Danika Loceylocey_danika@salkeiz.k12.or.us Jennifer Kercher kercher_jennifer@salkeiz.k12.or.uslocey_danika@salkeiz.k12.or.us

District 05 East Cascade Orchestra Festival

High School Orchestra Festival. 30 minutes in warm up room, 30 minutes on stage, 30 minute clinic.Amy Brunneramy.brunner@bend.k12.or.us

District 11 MS Solo/Ensemble Festival

Registration can be completed on Opus. In the events list, scroll down to District 11 MS OMEA Solo & Ensemble Festival 2023.Danny Mitchell, Event Chairdaniel.mitchell@albany.k12.or.us