10 events found.
West Salem Jazz Festival
District 05 Vocal Solo and Ensemble
Solo and Ensemble, voices only Luke MacSweenluke.macsween@bend.k12.or.us
D7 Jr/Sr Choir Invitational
Non-Competitive Choir Festival for gr. 5-12Cost: $150 per group, second group $100 Janet Lea, North Bend High School Choir Director & Festival Chairjlea@nbend.k12.or.us
D1 Solo & Ensemble
Laura Arthur, PPS Music TOSAlarthur@pps.net
District 05 Instrumental Solo and Ensemble
Solo and Ensemble for all wind, percussion, piano, and string instruments. Kelly Moorekelly.moore@redmondschools.org
District 13 Solo and Ensemble Festival
High School and Middle School Solo and Ensemble FestivalFor High School - Joshua Weir - weirj@gladstone.k12.or.usFor Middle School - Christina Lowrimore - lowrimorec@estacada.k12.or.us