10 events found.
OMEA District 7 Band Festival
Marshfield High School 10th & Ingersoll, Coos Bay, OR, United StatesShasta Middle School Band Festival
Mike Reetzmike.reetz@bethel.k12.or.us
South Coast Choir Festival
Marshfield High School 10th & Ingersoll, Coos Bay, OR, United StatesD8 High School Choral Festival (1a-6a Qualifier)
Jacob Steinberger
PIL Choir
Lincoln High School 1750 SW Salmon St, PortlandD11 MS Solo and Ensemble
The District 11 Middle School Solo and Ensemble FestivalRobby Carr at Robert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.usrobert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.us
Pleasant Hill Jazz Festival
Zac Tendickztendick@pleasanthill.k12.or.us
D14 MS Solo & Ensemble Festival
D14 Middle School Solo & Ensemble Festival for band, choir and orchestra.Kristi Stingle and Brandon Sause
D11 Hs Jazz Festival
Robby Carr at Robert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.usrobert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.us