10 events found.
District 3 Solo/Ensemble
Solo/Ensemble event for District 3Russell Zauggrussellz@neahkahnie.k12.or.us
Dist 10 Solo/Ensemble
Solo/Ensemble events for district 10. Gale GrahamContact Glide HS Office @ 541-496-3554 Ext. 50 mwilson@riddle.k12.or.us
D14 Vocal Solo and Ensemble
Vocal solo and ensemble festivalSue Schreiner, coordinator (Wilsonville HS choir)schreins@wlwv.k12.or.us
D14 Instrumental Solo and Ensmble
Kevin Egan, coordinator (West Linn HS Band/Orch)egank@wlwv.k12.or.us
D4 Solo and Ensemble Festival
District 3 HS Band Festival
Qualifying band contest.Noelle Freshnernoellef@sthelens.k12.or.us
District 12 Solo and Ensemble Festival
Contact:Tim Vian tim.vian@springfield.k12.or.us
Douglas Invitational Choir Festival
Darin Pustpusts@wdsd.org