10 events found.
District 3 Developing Band Festival
Band festival for beginning and intermediate level bands.Jeanine WalkerJeanine_walker@rsd.k12.or.us
OMEA Board Meeting
06//07/2014 Full Board- 8:30-3:30-TBAadmin@oregonmusic.org
District 14 Meeting
Laura Arthurarthurl@wlwv.k12.or.us
D14 Fall Meeting
Laura Arthur - D14 Chairarthurl@wlwv.k12.or.us
Dist. 4 Fall Inservice Conference
Statewide Inservice Day conference, open to any and all music educators. Clinicians: Dr. Rodney Dorsey, Randy Kem, Jof Lee, Tim Gilson, Mike Snyder, Band; Dr.Christopher Peterson, Choir; Dr. John Feierabend, Elementary/General Music; Dr. Frank Diaz, Orchestra. Dr. Feierabend will give the keynote address during the general session, and the Woodwind Quintet of the 234th Army…