10 events found.
Willamette Valley Concert Band Festival
Contact:Tim Vian tim.vian@springfield.k12.or.us
District 7/10 Choral Large Ensemble/League Festival
Choral Festival - Large Ensembles for Qualification to OSAA State Championships. District 7 Hosting, Chair TBA Contact District Chair: Chris Schlivert, Coquille HScschlievert@coquille.k12.or.us
D4 Large Group Choral Festival
Dist 7/10 Band Large Ensemble/League Festival
Band Festival - Large Ensembles for Qualification to OSAA State Championships. OSAA State Championship Dates are as follows: 3A, 4A Band- Wed May 14 2A/1A, 5A Band - Fri May 16 6A Band - Sat May 17Bob Carwithencarwithenr@wsds.org
District 3 MS Band Festival
Band festival for middle school groups in District 3.Leonard Ostwalt
Junior Division Solo/Ensemble Festival
Solo/Ensemble Festival for grades 6-8Kevin Soonsoonk@hsd.k12.or.us