10 events found.
District 4 and Greater Valley League Choral Festival
State qualifying league festival and OMEA large group festival all rolled into one!Kelsie Demianew, District 4 Chairkelsie.demianew@gmail.com
Dist. 1 OMEA Meeting
Spring OMEA meeting for Dist. 1, PPS to set dates for 2016-2017 music events.Jane Schreppingjschrepping@pps.net
Middle School Honor Band
All Day event friday and saturdayKeija Leekeija_lee@parkrose.k12.or.us
Metro League Choir Contest
High school choir state qualifying eventMary Kay Babcockbabcockm@hsd.k12.or.us
PIL High School Band Festival
Metro League Band Contest
High school wind ensemble state qualifying eventJim Dunlopjdunlop@hsd.k12.or.us
PIL High School Choir Festival
District 15 Jr. Solo & Ensemble
Middle school solo & ensemble festivalMandy Mullettmandy_mullett@beaverton.k12.or.us
Dist. 1 All City Middle School Honor Band and Choir Concert
Small Ensemble Contest
Small Ensemble ContestDan Judd, Small Ensemble Contest Chairdan.judd@bend.k12.or.us