10 events found.
Band/Orchestra HS/MA Solo/Ensemble Festival
Ted Burton / Mike Prestonted.burton@bend.k12.or.us
Dostrict 1 Sollo/Ensembel; Contest
Dostrict 1 Sollo/Ensembel; Contest
District 6 Solo/Ensemble Festival
Chris Leavittchris.leavitt@lagrandesd.org
Dostrict 1 Sollo/Ensembel; Contest
Instrumental Solo & Ensemble
Kevin Eganegank@wlwv.k12.or.us
D5Solo/Ens MS&HS Instrumental
District 5 Instrumental Solo/Ensemble ContestMiddle School & High SchoolMike Preston - Contest Chairmpreston@509j.net
D14 Instrumental Solo and Ensemble
Laura Arthur, D14 ChairKevin Egan, Instrumental Solo and Ensemble Chairarthurl@wlwv.k12.or.us
District 8 Winds and Percussion Solo and Ensemble
At Ashland Middle SchoolJenifer Carstensen and Jon Soderberg-Chase, chairsJenifer.carstensen@ashland.k12.or.us
Middle School choir Festival
Kate Warrenkate_warren@ddsd40.org