10 events found.
District 3 HS Solo/Ensemble Contest
Jerilee Hendersondjhenderson01@charter.net
Solo Ensemble
Ashley Alexander360-910-5467ashley_alexander@beaverton.k12.or.us
District 8 Vocal Solo and Ensemble
At Grants Pass High SchoolJulie Lehnhardt, chairJlehnhardt@grantspass.k12.or.us
Solo/Ensemble Contest
Solo/Ensemble contestjennifer mullerRob McGlothinjennifer_muller@ddsd40.org
District 12 Solo Festival
Choir: Mark HuisengaBand: Tim Vianmark_huisenga@springfield.k12.or.us
Solo ensemble contest
HS and MS solo ensemble contestRob McGlothinrobert.mcglothin@ortrail.k12.or.us
District 8 Strings Solo and Ensemble
At North Medford High SchoolLynn Gervais, chairLynn.gervais@medford.k12.or.us
District 3 HS Solo/Ensemble Contest
Noelle Freshnernoellef@sthelens.k12.or.us
MS & HS Secondary large group festival
Mike Agidiusagidius@hscis.net