10 events found.
MS Band Festival
District 6 MS Tri-County
Deborah Wryndeborah_wryn@stanfield.k12.or.us
Middle School Honor Choir
Middle School Honor ChoirSara KaufmannKaufmann4@gresham.k12.or.us
Elementary Honor Choir
val Elletval_ellet@ddsd40.org
test event
OMEA Board Meeting
Fall Board Meetingadmin@oregonmusic.org
District 2 Fall Meeting
Welcome back! District 2 OMEA will be meeting on Tuesday, September 22 at the Mojave Grill in downtown Gresham (77 NE 4th St, Gresham, OR 97030) at 4pm.Buffet dinner will be provided in the Duck room upstairs, which does include vegetarian and vegan options. Beverages are on your own. District 2 Agenda 2015 Spring…