10 events found.
Junior Honor Band
John Leal, North Douglas High Schooljleal@northdouglas.k12.or.us
Middle School Honor Band and Choir
MS Honor Band and Choir is on February 10th: Band- at Calvin Presbyterian Church and Choir- at St. Anthony's Church. February 11 at Tualatin HS for both groups. No longer on February 3-4. Lisa Hasuike lhasuike@ttsd.k12.or.us
District 13 Honor Band
Honor Band Matt Farrismatthew.farris@molallariv.k12.or.us
Monthly Meeting
Andrew Arriaga, District 10 Chairandrew.arriaga@elkton.k12.or.us
All-Northwest Confeence begins
For more information go to http://nafmenw.org
Solo & Ensemble Festival
Gale Graham, Glide High SchoolGGraham@glide.k12.or.us
LYNN GERVAISlynn.gervais@medford.k12.or.us
Solo and Ensemble Festival
Solo and Ensemble Festival Tim Viantim.vian@springfield.k12.or.us
Vocal Solo and Ensemble at Grants Pass HS
Julie Lehnhardt jlehnhardt@grantspass.k12.or.us