10 events found.
Middle School Choir Festival
Melissa Jmaeff, Sutherlin High SchoolMelissa.Jmaeff@sutherlin.k12.or.us
Roseburg Band Invitational Festival
Branden Hansenbhansen@roseburg.k12.or.us
SOMEA HS Orchestra Festival
Lauren Trolleylauren.trolley@ashland.k12.or.us
SOMEA MS Orchestra festival
Lauren Trolleylauren.trolley@ashland.k12.or.us
PPS Middle School Honor Band and Choir
Honor band and choir for middle school students of merit. Runs from April 3-25 with rehearsals each Monday evening from 7-8:30, and the dress rehearsal and concert on Tudsday 4/25/17 from 6-7:15 (concert 7:30)Jane Schreppingjschrepping@pps.net
PPS Middle School Honor Band and Choir
7-8:30 RehearsalJane Schreppingjschrepping@pps.net
Basin Band Festival
Rob IzzettIzzettr@kcsd.k12.or.us
District 12 Choir Festival
District 12 Choir FestivalMark Huisengamark.huisenga@springfield.k12.or.us
PIL Choral
John Eisemannjeisemann@pps.net