10 events found.
PIL Instrumental
Gary Rilergriler@pps.net
Portland Middle School Choral Clinic
Portland Middle School Choral ClinicFriday April 14, 2017 Tentatively 9:30AM-1:30PM Clinician: Dr. Ethan Sperry, Portland State University Portland State University Recital Hall Registration fees: $50 Each group who wants: perform in 15 min slots with left over time for a clinic with Dr. Sperry Cumulate with Mass Choir Ethan chooses 2 songs We all rehearse…
D14 Middle School Solo and Ensemble
Dave Sanderssandersd@newberg.k12.or.us
PPS Middle School Honor Band and Choir
Rehearsal 7-8:30Jane Schreppingjschrepping@pps.net
Middle School Band Festival
Andrew Arriaga, Elkton Charter Schoolandrew.arriaga@elkton.k12.or.us
PPS Middle School Honor Band and Choir
Rehearsal 7-8:30Jane Schreppingjschrepping@pps.net
PPS Middle School Honor Band and Choir
Dress rehearsal 6-7:15Concert 7:30Jane Schreppingjschrepping@pps.net
State Small Ensemble Contest
Small Ensemble Contest Day
OSAA State Solo Contest
State Solo Cotest day!
OSSA Choir Championships
May 4 - 1A, 2A, 3AMay 5 - 4A & 5A May 6 - 6A