10 events found.
District 7 Solo and Ensemble
District 7 Solo and Ensemble at North Bend High SchoolAmber Yester - Band ayester@nbend.k12.or.usKen Graber - Choir kgraber@nbend.k12.or.us
Dist 5 HS Choral Festival
Middle School Band Festival
Middle School Band Festivaljenna gagnegagne6@gresham.k12.or.usrmcgloth@gmail.com
Dist 5 MS Choral Festival
District 12 Band Fesitval
District and Area band festival Tim Viantvian45@gmail.com
Dist 5 Kids Choral Festival
Dist 5 MS Band Festival
M.S. Honor Choir
Koren RussKRuss@rsd7.netKRuss@rsd7.net
HS Choir Festival
High School Choir FestivalKaren BohartKBohart@rsd7.netrmcgloth@gmail.com
PIL HS Band Contest
PIL League ContestBrian McFadden - ManagerJason Margolis - Hostbmcfadden@pps.net