10 events found.
Choir Festival Invational
Open to all ChoirsDr. Paul French (SOU), John and Sandy Baker - Adjudicators If you are interested please contact Ken Graber for more information and if there is still availability. Event Chair: Ken Graberkgraber@nbend.k12.or.us
League Jazz Festival
For 5A and 6A Southern Oregon LeagueTim VianJoe Freuen - Hosttim.vian@springfield.k12.or.us
Metro Jazz Band Festival
District qualifying eventgregory_hall@beaverton.k12.or.us
Dist 8 (SOMEA) Basin Band Festival
4A Auto-QualifierRob Izzett
Metro Choir Festival
Jazz Festival District 11
OMEA District 11 Jazz Festival Mike Freel cell 503-713-7906 work 541-996-2115 x140 mike.freel@lincoln.k12.or.us
Dist 8 (SOMEA) HS Choral Festival
Andrea Brock & Pam Nordquist
Metro Band Festival
PIL Choir Contest
League HS Choir Contest (State Qualifier)John Eisemann Lisa Riffeljeisemann@pps.net