10 events found.
District Band Festival
OMEA District 12 Band FestivalTim Vian - Band ChairJulie Bounds - Host tim.vian@springfield.k12.or.us
MHCC Concert Band Festival
A state-qualifying event for high school bands. Participants can choose either a clinic or sightreading practice following their performance. Danielle Davey, Director of Bands503-491-7157Danielle.Davey@mhcc.edu
Dist 8 (SOMEA) MS Band Festival
Branden Hansen
Dist 8 (SOMEA) HS Orchestra Festival
Auto-Qualifier for 5A and 6A Laura Bolden & Krista DeBolt
PIL HS Band Contest
HS League Band Contest (State Qualifier)Gary Rilergriler@pps.net
Dist 8 (SOMEA) HS Band Festival
5A & 6A QualifierBranden Hansen
Dist 8 (SOMEA) MS Orchestra Festival
Laura Boldon & Krista DeBolt
Dist. 11 HS Choral Festival
Valerie Gollmann, Event Chairvalerie.gollmann@corvallis.k12.or.us Danny Mitchell, District Chair daniel.mitchell@albany.k12.or.us 503-586-4179
Dist 8 (SOMEA) MS Choral Festival
Shayne Flock