10 events found.
South Albany Indoor Percussion Showcase
South Albany High School 3705 Columbus St SE, Albany, OregonWinter Percussion contest.
District 13 High School Honor Band and Choir
High School Honor Band and ChoirBand: John DonnellyChoir: Joshua Weir
D11 HS Solo and Ensemble
The District 11 High School Solo and Ensemble FestivalRobby Carr at Robert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.usrobert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.us
D1/PPS Solo & Ensemble
Cleveland High School 3400 SE 26th Ave, Portland, Oregon
District 12 Solo and Ensemble
Doug Doerfertdoerfertd@lanecc.edu
Vocal Solo/Ensemble District 8
Vocal Solo and Ensemble Shayne FlockShayne.Flock@medford.k12.or.us
D1 Solo & Ensemble Festival
Cleveland High School 3400 SE 26th Ave, Portland, OregonSpringfield Orchestra Festival
James HallwylerJames.hallwyler@springfield.k12.or.us
Warner Pacific MS Concert/Jazz Band Festival
This festival is open to any MS looking for a opportunity to receive feedback from highly qualified adjudicators in jazz and concert band. Programs with only a concert band are also considered.Gene Burtongburton@warnerpacific.edu
D14 HS Instrumental Solo & Ensemble Festival
Solo & Ensemble Festival for D14 High School Band & Orchestra.Kevin Egan and Chad Davies