10 events found.
Great Western Music Championships for High School Bands & Orchestras(state qualifying event)
The 41st annual Western Oregon University Great Western Music Championships is open to high school bands and orchestras regardless of classification. The Festival takes place on Thursday and Friday, April 4-5, 2024 in WOU’s Rice Auditorium. Festival adjudicators include Robert Ponto, Pat Vandehey, Mary Lou Boderman, and Ike Nail. Please register using the online registration…
Sherwood Winter Showcase, NWAPA Winter Percussion & Winter Winds Championships
Sherwood High School 18800 NW Haide Road, Sherwood, OregonWinter Percussion and Winter Winds contest.
D8 Middle School Orchestra Festival
Zoryn Thompsonzoryn.thompson@medford.k12.or.us
Basin Band Festival (4a qualifier)
Rob Izzett and Saray Kaytonkaytons@kcsd.k12.or.us
OMEA District 7 Band Festival
Marshfield High School 10th & Ingersoll, Coos Bay, OR, United StatesShasta Middle School Band Festival
Mike Reetzmike.reetz@bethel.k12.or.us
South Coast Choir Festival
Marshfield High School 10th & Ingersoll, Coos Bay, OR, United StatesD8 High School Choral Festival (1a-6a Qualifier)
Jacob Steinberger
PIL Choir
Lincoln High School 1750 SW Salmon St, PortlandD11 MS Solo and Ensemble
The District 11 Middle School Solo and Ensemble FestivalRobby Carr at Robert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.usrobert.carr@lincoln.k12.or.us